Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Watchmen: Chapter III - page 12


Panel 2:  More irony from Moore & Gibbons as the remark from Dr. Manhattan’s television interview, “. . . we have something really special for you tonight” is laid over the scene where Laurie and Dan realize they are being accosted by this gang of knot-tops.  One can imagine one of these punks saying something similar.

Panel 3:  The host of the show is Benny Anger, a commentary on what “talk” TV seems to be as well as foreshadowing the anger that will run through the crowd, as well as the anger that will be expressed by Dr. Manhattan, at the end of this interview. 

Panel 4:  Note the posters for “Pale Horse” and “Krystalnacht” on the alley wall as well as some graffiti that ends with the phrase, “go mad,” more symbolism for the current times as well as the outcome of the book.

Panel 5:  Dr. Manhattan’s reply in this panel is yet another example of how far removed from humanity he really has become.

Panel 6:  The statement “. . . Will you be prepared to enter hostilities?” plays out over a scene where Laurie and Dan are looking at each other, saying with their eyes that they are ready to take out this gang of knot-tops.  (Note Dan putting his glasses into the inside pocket of his overcoat.) 

Also note the coloring for Dan and Laurie on this page, as well as the overall coloring of their scenes in the following pages, is once more a wash of red hues, symbolic of the violence they are experiencing. 

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